Friday, 16 January 2009

Carbon Footprint of a Close Relationship

I always think.. one should encourage ones' close buddies to tie the knot for the sake of Carbon efficiency [Warning : check out the legal ramificaions of gender marriages before doing anything drastic]. Not only its better that they would know each other quite well, its Eco - friendly too....

Q: Why should you play cupid between your good friends?
A : Because its Carbon efficient in the long run. In case they do get hitched up,
1. You just need to travel to one place and meet them both. Saves fuel.
2. You can get away with buying one gift. Again saves effort and fuel.
3. You need to send them just one common invitation card. Saves trees.
4. One phone call at the appropriate time and you can speak with both.. energy eficient.
For the two of them, it becomes C - Eff as well
1. Energy savings in terms of electricity and dwelling costs. [a high chance this would happen]
2. They become natural car poolers to office and common parties which otherwise they would individually travel to..

Q : Then why dont you implement your preachings?
A : In case things dont work out between your best buddies, it will get messy and you would have to choose loyalities. Things get complicated over a period of time. But as always, my clinching argument is... Too much effort & I am lazy.


  1. Rename your blog - Evil Justifications for laziness.

    And we know what would happen if you had to choose between friends-you would avoid them both !...which is not vey different from linus?

  2. Which would be the inspiration for my next comment... the carbon efficiency of laziness and procrastination.
